St George's CE Primary School

  1. Parents/Carers
  2. Lunches

School Lunches

Could your child be entitled to a free school meal?

Free School Meal Entitlement:

A lot of people don't apply for free school meals but you don’t need to worry about other children knowing your child gets free school meals. Only the school will know.

You could save £400 a year for each child and your children could benefit from a hot meal at lunchtime. The school will benefit too as they’ll get the Pupil Premium funding of £1,000 a year from the government for each child eligible for free school meals. This funding is used to improve the provision for your child whilst they are at school.

Your child may be able to get free school meals: Click here to apply

Universal Free School Meals:

School meals are free for children in EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2. Parents could save nearly £400 per year per child and feel assured that their child is receiving a delicious, nutritious balanced meal which contributes to one third of a child’s daily nutritional requirement. This aids concentration and helps with learning. We hope that you will encourage your child / children to try a school meal and make the most of this opportunity.



We now only accept payments online for items such as lunch money and school trips, using a secure website called ParentPay.

ParentPay allows you to pay online using your credit / debit card and will be our preferred method of making payments. There will still be occasions when we ask for cash rather than payment through ParentPay.

ParentPay is easy to use and will offer you the freedom to make online payments whenever and wherever you like, safe in the knowledge that the technology uses the highest internet security available and that funds reach school safely.

You will have a secure online account, which you will access by using your unique username and password. Once you activate your account you will be prompted to create your own username and password which you must keep safe for future use. You can then make online payments straight away and ParentPay holds an electronic record of your payments to view at a later date.

If you have two or more children at school, you only need to activate one account as your ‘main account’ and then add your other children via the add a child tab on the home page.

For further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the School Office.


Derbyshire Food Sourcing:

Our policy of sourcing ingredients locally has many benefits. Food can be traced from our suppliers. Food also travels less distance and can be fresher, tastier and more nutritious. Fewer food miles is food for the environment and this is great news for the local economy and people of Derbyshire.

  • Our main Derbyshire suppliers are:

    • Buxton, Water - High Peak
    • Tomson, Fruit & Vegetables - High Peak
    • Lower Hurst Farm, Organic Beef - Hartington
    • Underwood Meat Company Ltd, Sausages - Chesterfield
    • Cow House Dairy, Ice Cream - Belper
    • John Palin, Fruit & Vegetables - Matlock  


  • Food facts about our meals:

    • All meat served is British and farm assured
    • We have reduced the sugar content in our desserts by 33%
    • No undesirable additives or artificial trans fats are used
    • Our meals are freshly prepared a school kitchen or at a local hub kitchen (at St George's the food is cooked at Eureka Primary School and then transported)
    • No fish are served from the Marine Conservation Society fish to avoid list
    • All eggs are from free range hens
    • No nuts are used in any of our cooking

 Click here to find out about school lunches