St George's CE Primary School

  1. Classes
  2. Class 3

Year 3 staff

Mrs Chantrey teaches on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

Mrs Brand teaches on Tuesday and Wednesday

Mrs. Worth and Mrs Oakey are our teaching assistants


Global Themes

Our curriculum

We have planned a curriculum based on six Global Themes that is creative, fun and focused on knowledge, skills and understanding, which is taught sequentially, building on prior knowledge.

The Global Themes are:

Term 1 - Identity and Diversity

Term 2 - Peace and Conflict

Term 3 - Saving Our Environment

Term 4 - Social Justice

Term 5 - Our World and Beyond

Term 6 - Our Heritage

Take a look at our curriculum plan to see our topics and when we will be learning about them 

Year 3 Long Term Plan


Our PE days this term are Tuesday and Friday. Please make sure your child has labelled PE kits in school. If your child has pierced ears they will need to take earrings out on PE days. 


In Year 3, our learning is based around the following books


Here are the spelling lists for Year 3

Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Term 5 Term 6

Children will also need to learn how to spell some of the words from the Year 3 and 4 Common Exception Words

They will practise these daily using their spelling zappers!

Year 3 and 4 Common Exception Words


Take a look at our knowledge organisers to see what we will be learning in Year 3

Number and Place Value

Addition and Subtraction

 Multiplication and Divison



Length and Perimeter



Mass and Capacity


Your child has a login for Time Tables Rockstars.  These are stuck inside their reading records so they don't forget!

In Year 3, we learn the 4x, 8x, 3x, 6x and 12x tables.  We revise the 2x, 5x and 10x tables which we learnt in Year 2.

Children should practise for 10 minutes every day in 'The Garage'!

In Year 3, we will cover the following topics in Science:

Animals including humans: skeletons, muscles and nutrition


Forces and Magnets



Click on the links above to see a knowledge organiser for each topic. 

In our Art lesson, we created pictures using chalk of The Blitz in World War 2


Our History topics are:

Ernest Shackleton

The Suffragettes

World War 2


We use Purple Mash to learn about computing.  Take a look at our knowledge organisers to see what we will be learning.

Online Safety

Branching Databases

Power Point





Our Geography topics are:


Counties and Cities in the UK

World Countries linking to World War 2 


In Year 3 we start learning French.

Have a look at our topics

J’apprends le français

Les animaux

Les instruments

Je peux

Les fruits

Les glaces

Your child has log in details to 

Language Angels 

Here they can practise their French through singing and playing games!