St George's CE Primary School

  1. Classes
  2. Class 1


Mrs Sutton will be teaching Monday to Wednesday

Mrs Jones will be teaching Thursday and Friday

Mrs Archbold is the class teaching assistant


Our Global Theme for this half term is Our World and Beyond

We will discuss similarities and differences between places in various parts of the world, including own setting and we will make links between Swadlincote and the wider world.


Below is our Year One Long Term Plan



In Year one we learn new sounds to make us better readers and writers. As a school, we use Little Wandle to teach phonics, as it allows pupils to unlock their full potential.

To the read more about Little Wandle press this link.

Letters and Sounds


 In Year 1 we are always busy learning different spellings.

Our challenge for the end of Year 1 is to be able to spell all the days of the week and the months of the year correctly!



We are looking at the text, 'The Queen's Hat' this half term. We will be working on describing settings using adjectives. The children will use their fantastic phonic knowledge to write super sentences including, capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.



Summer 1

  • Mass and Volume
  • Multiplication and Division
  • Fractions




Summer 2

  • Positition and Direction
  • Place Value (within 100)
  • Money
  • Time


Numbots is a fun and interactive way for your child to improve understanding, recall and fluency in mental addition and subtraction, so that they move from counting to calculating.

Your child will receive their own personal login. 

Certificates will be awarded for completing each numbot!




History and Geography

The Lives of Significant Individuals: Queen Elizabeth II (1926-2022)


We will be looking at a timeline of the Queen's life and how London has changed in that time period. We will compare the changes in London with the changes that have happened in Swadlincote in the same time period. We will also learn about landmarks in London.



We are discovering more about plants

Here is our 'sticky knowledge' (things we will learn and remember)

• Plants grow from seeds/bulbs
• Plants need light and water to grow and survive
• Plants are important
• We can eat lots of plants




    Tuesday and Thursday

    Please ensure PE kits are in school and that all clothing is named.  Thank you






    Reading The children will change their reading books every Thursday. Please record at least 3 home reads every week.

    Reading books from the Little Wandle Scheme will be sent home on a Thursday and must be returned to school on the following Monday.

    Numbots can be accessed at home. Recommended as often as possible - at least twice a week.

    Lexia can be accessed at home. Recommended as often as possible - at least twice a week